You can download Sri Satyanarayana Vratham song in
What is Sri Satyanarayana Vratha?
Sri Satyanarayana Vratham is performed allover world by devotees for wealth, education, prosperity, and offspring, relief from troubles and sickness and success in business. When it came to be known that Lord Satyanarayana had manifested himself on the Ratnagiri hills at Annavaram with unique form combining the Trimurthis Viz., Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Ekadasi is considered to be very auspicious for the Vratham, it is performed even on other convenient days by the individual devotees. The great popularity behind the Vratham springs form the experiences narrated in stories and legends and also the faith gained by observances in daily life.
The important legend connected with this Vratham was that once Sage Naradha was very much distressed at the misery of marthyas (men in this world) and prayed Lord Vishnu to be informed of a way out for them. The Lord then told him that Satyanarayana Vratham would relieve men of their troubles and would ensure worldly prosperity and salvation after deth. He also narrated that a pious Brahmin of Banaras performed the Vratham first. It was also described how King Ulkamukha of Bhadrasilanagaram, Emperor Tungadhwaja and a community of Gollas in his kingdom, a Vaisya business man named Sadhuvu, and a poor woodcutter of Banaras had performed this vratham and were blessed by Lord Satyanarayana Swamy (Vishnu himself) with all they desired. The vratham has caught the fascination of millions owing to these stories within the understanding of scholars as well as layman. All classes of people took to its performance and it is popular for its efficacy.
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